viernes, 13 de marzo de 2009

Haunted Attics: 2 days, 10 hours, 29 minutes, 2 seconds

I never wanted anything but this, well what am i to do?

I am hungry again, I am drunk again… i think i've been here before
yes i've been here before… When you were here before?

I wanted to tell you but you never listened, you never understand, I am up in the clouds and I can't and I can't come down, we all went to heaven in a little row boat…… For a minute there I lost myself, I lost myself, this isn't happening I'm not here

I used to think there is no future left at all, think about the good times and
never look back… you can scream & you can shout but it is too late now. What the hell, we've got nothing more to lose…

This is one for the good days, just as the drinks arrive, just as they play your favourite song, as your bad day disappears… It's the best thing that you ever had, the best thing that you ever ever had with no alarms and no surprises…

It's gonna be a glorious day, everything in its right place I don’t see no confusion anywhere. And if you're frightened, you can be frightened, you can be, it's OK. There was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt I’m ready, I’m ready, I’m ready

I have seen too much, I haven’t seen enough, I am a moth who just wants to share your light, so there is nothing to explain, this is really happening

No matter what happens now, you shouldn't be afraid, because I know today has been the most perfect day I've ever seen...

Reto: sin buscar en interne' digan a que canción (de Radiohead evidentemente) pertenecen las frases de esta entrada, porque toda está hecha con frases, no tiene ni una palabra más ni una menos... a ver cuantas reconocen... si no ubican ni una les retiraré la amistad jajaja

1 comentario:

Peter Menang dijo...

te quedo legal vane, en un principio pensaba q si era una cancion random pero despues vi frases q me sonaban conocidas, ahora, me gustaria decirte q reconoci tooodooo, las 25 canciones, pero noo, solamente puedo decir q he escuchado canciones con algunas de las frases por ahi... jaja triste pero cierto...